No designer is ever responsible for such a revolution. All a designer can do is anticipate a mood," she wrote. "It is still difficult for me to come to terms with blackouts that do not allow me to plan work, but when you understand the front-line conditions of Ukrainian defenders, these problems no longer seem so serious," shares the designer, who has poured his energy into making smart upcycled denim and patchwork pieces that tell the country's stories. "In Ukraine, we now joke that we have completely overcome procrastination. Then there's the hairstyle (if we can call it that): a bob pulled into a makeshift bun with a flimsy black elastic. It's fitting for someone rushing out the door Golden Goose Outlet to run errands, not a billionaire's daytime wedding. A timeless icon yet one that's constantly evolving. At Golden, we love taking our classics and reworking them all the time, always from a new angle. The bodycon dress, which is part of Jenner's KJ x FRWD collab collection, was completely sheer and featured a mock neckline, cap sleeves, and mummified ruching from the shoulders all the way down to her calves. Kendall ditched her undergarments, and accessorized with white strappy sandals from The Row and minimal jewelry. White and black leather lace-up sneaker featuring an exploded pixelated print inspired by the McQueen Graffiti motif, and an oversized transparent rubber sole. Finished with an signature on tongue and heel counter. When Miu Miu debuted its fall 2023 collection during Paris Fashion Week last month, you may have expected the label to send its signature assortment of miniskirts or shearling jackets down the runway-instead, it sent out a more unexpected piece: leggings. Designer Miuccia Prada promoted athleisure by putting forward her elevated takes on the classic zip-up hoodie and leggings combo, something you'd typically see in a gym locker room, not fashion week. "Scarlett was my great grandmother on my mother's side, and Gasque the last name of my great grandmother on my father's side. My great-great grandmother Maude Gasque and her daughter, Maisie, are both women that I really looked up to.